Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Dear Universe,

I understand that Kim Kardashian (or maybe Khloe or Kourtney or Kasey or Kylie or Kutie or Kandy or Kaylahlahlah) got a divorce this week. I don't particularly give a shit, but I can't escape the headlines.

Log into Yahoo to check my email? A tell-all video of how she broke the news to her mother, or perhaps an article about the pre-nup, are the leading headlines. Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook...I cannot escape it. Everyone seems to think I want to know all about the Kardashians and their kares and troubles, when I kan't be kalled on to kare about them for anything.

Say, universe, did you know that Occupy Oakland is trying to shut down Oakland today? I mean, they have a good chance of closing the port--the fifth-busiest port in the country, or maybe even the world--and you are telling me all about Kim Kardashian's sham of a marriage?! Who gives a flying rat's ass?! Not me!

Look, if you're going to give me frivolous news brought to me by the letter K, make it about Keane, okay?


Meg of the LPB.

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