Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Grumble Grumble Pout Pout

I had a hard time sleeping last night, and this makes me cranky.

You see, I have new neighbors. They decided it was perfectly acceptable to park two vehicles (illegally) facing my bedroom window at 11:00 at night and proceed to unload a lot of junk from said vehicles. Car doors slamming, happy chattering, while 15 feet away is my cracked-open bedroom window and me, trying to sleep.

Not. Amused.

Night security came out and gave them the "Come on, folks, really?!" spiel and they were apologetic, according to the night security guy when I went out there at 11:30 to let him know that now it was his noisy car that was keeping me awake. He sat there for 15 minutes with the engine idling and the fan going. Oy vey.

Between all of that agitation and thoughts of moving in with Mom and Dad, well, yes, I am quite tired today.

I did make myself go for a swim today, instead of a run, but in general, I've spent a lot of time just sitting around half-heartedly slashing things off my To Do List. Check my "professional" email (the one I use for job-hunting purposes). Check Ed-Join and Cal Jobs. Etc.

This evening, I'm helping out at PetCo, filling in for the normal cleaner. I've decided that I've earned a 2nd showing of Harry Potter, so after scooping poop, I think I'll head downtown and catch that.

And hopefully, it will cheer me up a bit out of today's mini-funk. I think it will.

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