Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Still Jobless

Every single job interview I have been on in the last crazy month has come to nothing.

I suppose I should be sitting here, wailing and asking for sympathy but to be honest, I'm too busy looking for jobs, selling crap on eBay, and Tweeting celebrities to really mind. I suppose it helps that I've had three fantastic days of working out (including a triumphant--if slow--return to running) in a row, lots of healthy meals on the new George Foreman grill I bought myself as an early birthday present ($15 on sale at Target. Nice!) and I did have a lovely adventure in San Francisco with Summer on Friday, which has kept me smiling for days.

So this post isn't to ask for sympathy--actually, I don't feel sorry for myself. I have a roof over my head, and enough food (in fact, as I type this, I'm munching on a Pink Lady apple and some mild cheddar cheese, with a just-brewed cup of tea at my right hand) and life isn't really that bad. Of course, it will be if a year from now, my benefits are at an end and I'm still without employment, so I'm hitting the ole drawing board and looking in some unusual places.

It's hard to know exactly what a Bachelor's degree in music education qualifies me before besides, you know, being a music educator, but I'm putting myself out there. I figure the worst thing that can happen is that I get a lot of doors slammed in my face. Do your worst, world. I'm ready. I can take it!!

1 comment:

Britni TheVadgeWig said...

I'm doing the same thing. Looking anywhere and everywhere. I'm even looking at nannying, though I know I don't want that to be my career. I am getting unemployment benefits, but it's not enough to really get by on.

You're an inspiration for me, and help me feel like being unemployed doesn't have to be the worst thing in the world, so thanks for that.