A couple of days ago, my friend Lindsay posted some pictures of her alma mater, Michican State, on Facebook, leading me to share some pictures of my own alma mater. I got to thinking that it might be fun to start a blog hop in which we can all share pictures and stories of our college experiences, whether we've finished or are still going. All you have to do is create a post, and add the link to the blog hop in the bottom. Here goes!
Your College: California State University, Chico
Years attended: August 1996 to May 2001
Where is it? Chico, California (100 miles north of Sacramento)
What was/is your area of study? BA Music Education
Favorite professor(s): Professor Metzger (Writing and American Studies), couple of my music profs.
Best classes you took: American Studies, Physical Anthropology (fascinating!), Concert Band, Choir, Music Theory (kick-your-butt difficult, but interesting if you're a music nerd), Beginning Acting
Worst (or most pointless) classes you took: Why, why, WHY did I take Physics, knowing that I am completely uninterested in the subject matter?! And why, why, WHY?! did I have to take about 37 different computer requirements (okay, two) when it was, "This is Word. Okay, that's enough for today!" Ugh.
Activities: Pep Band, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, A Capella Choir, Chamber Choir...
Favorite hang-outs: The Bear, The Performing Arts Center (fondly referred to by many of us as "the pack"), Summer's awesome house in senior year, my last apartment--the one in which I had no roommates, just a cat.
Best thing you did/have done so far in college: Without a doubt, London Semester. That was amazing, and it changed my whole world view. I grew up a lot that semester.
Favorite memories: So many! Choir parties, hanging out at the Bear, wandering along Chico creek, Halloween in Chico (back when it was still safe!), performing with my various bands and choirs, seeing movies at El Rey, dancing at Crazy Horse or LaSalle's...
Add some pictures!
December 12, 1999--my parents surprised me with a new roommate! |
In my dorm room in Whitney Hall, Fall 1996. |
Freshman--I had a friend take pics of me for
my Christmas cards. |
The Bear--best burger in Chico! |
John and Annie Bidwell--town founders. |
The P.A.C. (Performing Arts Center). I basically lived here. |
Kendall Hall--the main admin building. |
Trinity Hall Bell Tower |
Big Chico Creek runs right through campus. |
That middle window was my freshman year dorm room--I had a single. |
Bidwell Mansion |
Campus Rose Garden |
Kendall Hall |
The main entrance to Kendall Hall, and Chico's famous
motto. |
I took this last summer--the time capsule for my grad year. |
Laxson Auditorium--I spent a fair bit of time in here, too. |
I never used the main entrance. |
Collier Hardware--an institution in downtown Chico. |
Your Turn! Follow the directions on this link and join the fun!
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