Tuesday, December 28, 2010

British Boys: Ben Lovett

It's been a while since I've behaved like a teenaged fangirl and posted pics of a cute British guy on my blog. Since it's raining outside and I'm bored...well, I'll introduce you to Mr. Benjamin Lovett of Mumford and Sons.

Age: Approximately 24
Instruments: Keyboard and accordion...yes, accordion!
Met him: Why yes, yes I have.

And two pics that are MINE. : )

This post is dedicated to Maayan, who also thinks Benji is adorable and awesome. In her words, he is "full of joy." Right you are, Maayan. Right you are.

1 comment:

Maayan Schneider said...

He also plays drums, and pretends to play violin. Also, we recently discovered that there are crazier people than us on the Internet (thank God!) Ben Lovett: good man.