Sunday, July 25, 2010

Good Luck, Good Vibes, or Prayers

Whatever your thing is, I could use them.

I have two interviews this week. The first is tomorrow morning, at a school district in Monterey. I interviewed in another district in that area last week and did not get the job. I wouldn't mind living in Monterey, even though it's much further away from friends and family--it's such a beautiful part of California and I know I could make a go of it.

The second interview is with the Employment Development Department. It's the mandatory phone interview before I can receive unemployment benefits.

Obviously, I'm hoping to get a job before I need unemployment...or to only need unemployment for a month while waiting for a job to start.

The alternative is moving back with Mom and Dad for a while. I love my parents and spend a good amount of time visiting, but living there is another kettle of fish and one that I don't want to delve into--and I don't think Mom and Dad do, either, to be fair.

Anyway, I'm making a day of it tomorrow. Because funds are tight, I am packing a healthy picnic lunch in my cooler, and I plan, after the interview, to find a place to make a quick change into my jeans and t-shirt so that I can sit on a beach eating my lunch and listening to the waves before tackling the two-and-a-half hour drive back to Stockton.

Hey, long as I'm in Monterey, I've got to have some ocean time, right? The ocean air clears my head and gives me new focus. Exactly what I need, because my brain has been starting to stress a little, and I dreamt last night that my evaluator from this most recent school year was evaluating me again--teaching about 75 kids.

When I'm not feeling the pressure, I've mostly been rehashing my awesome night seeing Keane and meeting Tim and Richard. The picture of Richard and me is now my computer's desktop theme, and tonight I ordered some prints of the show for my scrapbook (they're totally cheap on York Photos). I'm going back to Mom and Dad's on Wednesday after the EDD interview, and plan to get my scrapbook on.

So wish me luck! Wiggle your fingers in my general direction and send those good vibes. Pray, if that's what you do. But please, think good thoughts for me--I want to work. I want to live comfortably. And if I got to live closer to the ocean in the bargain?

Well, I could live with that.


Britni TheVadgeWig said...

Good luck! I've been looking for a job for 7 (almost 8) months now, so I know the feeling.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

You got it, Meg! I'll be wiggling fingers to the west all day, hon!

Miz Minka said...

Wiggling! And praying! :)