Tuesday, June 01, 2010

My Extra-Long Weekend in Pictures

I didn't really do much this weekend, nor did I feel compelled to blog a lot. It was that kind of weekend where I sat around doing nothing more often than not (though Sunday was busy). Still, I got some pics out of it. I always do.

What is it about cats and suitcases? Thursday night found Harley "helping" me pack.
On Friday, with no other use for a grubby old lanyard, I did some cathartic destruction.
On Saturday night, Mom and Dad took me for Turkish food. It was yummy, and I ate every bite.
I went for a run on Sunday morning, taking a couple of sign pictures.
I got a nice pic of Mom and Dad's new landscaping (used to be lawn) and my very special little Greeter Girl in the window.
On Monday, Dad's veteran's group put on a nice Memorial Day ceremony. I took a close-up shot of my skirt.
And, you know, some shots of my dad helping place the wreath in front of the memorial plaque.
My favorite vet. : )
Tuna Time!! Harley didn't finish his.
This morning I woke up to two cuddly little sweeties.
This afternoon, I returned to Stockton and promptly went to Fleet Feet for a new pair of running shoes. Same as the old ones, but slightly narrower--G. the Meanie commented, more than once, about how tight I have my shoes laced up, but that's the only way I felt comfortable. The new ones are better already.

1 comment:

The Pottering Artist said...

Your cats are a riot - I love the helpful packer!