Tuesday was the first day back from Spring Break. I found this awesome little gem of a note in my classroom. Ahh, middle school.

I also sat at my desk at lunchtime listening to my new obsession song over and over.

And I filled out the form for Jog-a-Dog.

That night I enjoyed tea in a pretty teacup that Mom gave me for Easter (no chocolate bunnies or Cadbury eggs!).

Who needs chocolate when you've got Lemon Sorbet over fresh strawberries?

That night I got breakfast ready for the next morning (1 scoop Monster Milk, 1 cup of strawberries, and 8 ounces of pine-orange juice in the blender), packed my lunch (big ole salad), and put them in the fridge next to the leftover curried lentil soup.

After my shower, I got a picture of my darling sea otter pajamas from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Wednesday was light on the pictures. But I thought my dinner was gorgeous. It consisted of 4 ounces of chicken (coated in whole wheat flour and stove-fried in the teensiest bit of olive oil), broccoli, fresh strawberries, and my curried lentil soup.

I continued to marvel that I am now wearing leggings in public every day. How far I've come!

On Thursday I wore a new top and my new green coat to work. I have a bookcase in my classroom at that school that is perfect for taking self portraits. The coat pic is blurry, but that coat is a LARGE, people.

My kids learned about Jose Posada, a political cartoonist from 19th Century Mexico. He used skeletons in his cartoons, so we did skeleton cartoons. My teacher sample was designed to make the kids laugh--only a few of them got the joke. *sigh*

Some yarn I'd ordered finally arrived, just in time for the yarn painting we're going to do next week.

Lunch consisted of a yummy salad, water with lemon, and one cheesy music teacher.

Thursday night found me wanting to rock the Texas Cheerleader Hair for Friday. I carefully put my hair in curlers and wrapped them in a scarf for protection. A little while later, I checked the status of one of the curlers. I had to laugh.

(Unfortunately, TCH was a big fail--a bunch of curlers fell out in the night and I woke up with half ruler-straight, half wild-and-curly hair. It was a MESS. I wore my hair in a bun.)
Today the 8th graders were taking the History part of the California Standards Test, so my first period stayed in their homeroom instead of coming to music with me. I was a proctor. In between doing my teacher sample of yarn painting for next week, I told kids to stop talking, escorted one "disturber" to the office, and checked my email.

I had my usual Friday appointment with G. the Meanie. I weighed myself after the appointment--wahoo! The scale said 170.4. I waved G. over to see for himself. Not thirty seconds later, I weighed again and the scale said 170.9. How I gained half a pound in the space of thirty seconds is beyond me--and I know I didn't read the scale wrong!
Either way, G. was pleased, because I should be in the 160s come Monday. This excites both of us.
I came home and took a picture of my almost-160s-self in my leggings and eighties-tastic off-the-shoulder shirt. Rocking my Texas Cheerleader Hair Gone Wrong. This is what Friday looks like 'round these parts.

This is what every day looks like 'round these parts: Harley harassing poor Millie in the hallway.

What's in store for the weekend? Tomorrow I'm going back to my roots (literally), then it's off to Boot Camp at the gym. Tomorrow evening I'm going to an opera with Summer. Sunday morning I will clean cat cages at PetCo, then come home to relax on my keister, gearing up for a new week.
That green coat makes you look like a foxy detective lady solving crimes in an insanely fashionable way. HOT.
LOL! on Sa's comment!
Meg, your posts just keep getting better and better. Loved it!
First, super congrats on being on the brink of the 160s! Your meals look luscious and so do you!
And that curler pic made me smile, big time! Sorry it was a fail!
(Check in from your baby-stepping protege - 3.7 down. *sigh* Itty bitty baby steps but the right direction. You are my inspiration, gal!)
Thanks, ladies! I do feel sexier these days, and I'm noticing that I get a lot more attention from the opposite sex. Confidence, for the win!
Lisa--you can do it! Just keep plugging away at it. I'm very fortunate to have my very own G. the Meanie to push me along. :P
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