March whizzed by in a blur of working out, so here I am, at the beginning of April, with roots that will make my hairdresser cry.
I also have some awesome length--halfway down my back--for the first time in years of having shoulder-length hair. Turns out all that working out makes my hair grow faster and healthier.
Anyway, I was chatting with a colleague today and she asked what I was going to have done. I mentioned that upkeep might be a challenge with my soon-to-be-unemployed status, and she said, "You should go darker. Your natural color maybe."
If only one person had said this, I might have shrugged it off and gone status quo. But I mentioned my upcoming hair appointment to G. the Meanie today and he offered his opinions (which, according to him, "are always right").
"You would totally rock the brunette hair. Your hair probably has natural blonde highlights anyway--it's not as dark as mine is naturally. With your widow's peak? You would totally rock that look. And you wouldn't be blonde like everyone else."
(P.S. I've never had anyone compliment my widow's peak, which was the bane of my existence until I was in my twenties and decided, once and for all, that it makes me unique and special and I'm just going to own it.)
I just raised my eyebrows at him. Frankly, I was a little surprised that he had such an emphatic opinion about my hair. He's a guy.
After about ten minutes of him going on and on, even I was thinking, "Heh, maybe I should go darker. Embrace my inner brunette for a change."
He sealed his argument in favor of me getting darker hair by saying, "You know my opinions are always right, and I wouldn't lie to you."
The last time I went brunette was after college.
But eventually, I went back to the blonde highlights, and in the last 6 months, I've even added some funky copper into the mix. While I am not at all spontaneous about my hairstyle in terms of length (I will deliberate for MONTHS before "chopping it off" to shoulder-length, so don't expect a bob or a pixie cut any time soon), color is easier to fix.
Anyway, I'm not about to go back to my roots, so to speak, just because my opinionated personal trainer says I should. I should make up my own mind, right? So I put the question out for consideration on Facebook. What think you, friends...blonde as usual or rock my darker roots? The consensus in an overwhelming, "GO DARK!"
Heh. Maybe blondes don't have more fun.
Oh yeah, the dark looks really good. I thought you had posted a picture of Kelly Clarkson before I actually read the post.
I dye my hair myself so I can switch between different shades depending on my mood which is nice. (Even though I always stay in the red family, sometimes it's darker and sometimes it's brighter.) My hair is naturally stawberry blonde, but I've learned that having darker hair add color to my super paleness. That might be something to consider. Other then that I say just go for it. Going just a few shades darker is very fixable if you don't like it.
I say go dark! Why not? Change the hair to go with the body changes you've been having!
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