I started by--oh, horrors!--showing them some print-outs of paintings by George Seurat.

Being terrible at what I do, I provided teacher-made examples.

Yes, the MUSICALLY-TRAINED teacher made these.
Oh, and I put directions up on the board, as well as explaining orally what they were to do.

My kids weren't into this project at all.

It was terrible of me to encourage my students to come up with ideas and to show interest in what they were doing. And it was also terrible of me to paint a couple more examples with them.

The most terrible part of all? FIFTEEN girls spent their lunch period in my classroom because they wanted to work on their paintings more, because they hope I will select their works for the annual district art showcase. They really hate me and disrespect me.

I mean, they even helped me clean up! They asked if there would be more time on Monday.
I'm such a terrible teacher.
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