Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Holy Flatulence!

I'm sitting here in my classroom. It's lunchtime. I'm finished with the middle school kids for the day, and will soon be off to teach kindergarten music.
It's amazing I even had an appetite to eat my lunch (two tomatoes with mozzerella and an orange) because during 4th period, one of my kids, Sam (not his real name), had the WORST gas ever. I was very close to sending him to the bathroom and asking him to clean himself up. It was noxious, and I'm quite certain that if he'd been in here 10 more minutes, we'd all be dead from suffocation.
Thankfully, we're not. After I dropped the class off with their next teacher, I came back in to find that the odors had dissipated, and I could eat my lunch without gagging.
Ahhh, the teacher's life.

1 comment:

Dani said...

Open windows, they are your friends. Having lived with three guys, I know your pain. I am so sorry. Haha.