Last night, Harley put himself on my Shit List by causing chaos, mayhem and injury (all in a day's work). He was trying to get behind the computer. I said, "No!" He said, "What are ya gonna do 'bout it?"
So I grabbed him. He tried to grab the printer he was standing on. His back feet lashed out and knocked a metal cup full of pens and pencils to the floor. He panicked, and his back claws got that sensitive, delicate skin of my arm. OUCH!
I gave him the silent treatment for a bit, but really, he's too cute to stay mad at. And he is just a baby. A ten-pound, hyperactive baby, but a baby nonetheless.
This morning, he and Duchess are entertaining themselves by sitting in the windows of Mom and Dad's bedroom, watching the goings-on at the bird feeders that Dad has in the backyard.
Today I'll drive back to Stockton, and prepare for another busy week. There's grocery shopping, food prep, lesson planning and all that good stuff that needs doing. At least my apartment is clean.
Oh, and I keep forgetting to mention here that I got that 2nd DVD of the Keane documentary to work here at Mom and Dad's house! Worked on the first try in their DVD player. Maybe mine is starting to show its age.
So I don't have to return it or buy another one. And I got to enjoy all that fun Keane goodness. It really is an entertaining little documentary.
Next post will be a video of Harley chirping at the birds. It's too cute.
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