Today, as I was getting ready to leave Mom and Dad's house, she was under their bed--her usual hiding place when she sees my suitcase come back out. I was all set to coax her out using a broom and several naughty words, when--Hallelujah!!--she came out on her own. I quickly shut the door to Mom and Dad's bedroom so she and Harley would not be able to scoot under the bed.
A few minutes later, I was ready, and all that needed to be done was to catch my furbabies and put them in their carriers. Both were under the guest bed, but that's not a problem. It's a Murphy bed, so it folds up into the wall. Mom and Dad started to lift it, and, of course, Millie and Harley both hid in the part that would crush them if we closed the bed all the way. I crawled in and got them out. Millie shot off running while I dragged a very unwilling Harley out.
I put the little dude in his box and set him near the door. Then Mom, Dad and I set off in search of Millie.
The door to the linen closet had been left open, so Dad looked in there, behind the vacuum cleaner. No Millie.
Mom and I searched the craft room. We all looked in the kitchen, under the sofa, in every nook and cranny. There was no way she was in the master bedroom, as the door was closed. But where the hell was she?
I decided to double-check the linen closet. I looked behind the vacuum cleaner. Nothing. I was closing the door when something caught my eye.
"Oh, SHIT!" I yelled, laughing.

Mom and Dad came rushing over, and they, too started laughing.
Millie, who had come *thisclose* to being undiscovered on the third shelf up from the floor, rolled her eyes at us.
omg so funny! ur kitties are so cute. [:
Aww, thanks. I love them madly. They definitely have "purrsonality."
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