Lula--A black woman with a rubenesque body and a Vegas wardrobe that’s four sizes too small. She’s a former ‘ho working as a file clerk at Vinnie’s office and wheelman for Stephanie.
An interview with Lula helps us get to know her a little more:
What's your favorite word? Booty
What's your least favorite word? pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
What turns you on? Beckham underwear ads
What turns you off? Not being able to get a fast food cheeseburger before 11 AM
What's your favorite sound? Me bustin' down a door
What's your least favorite sound? Forks scraping teeth
What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? Letter turner for the Wheel of Fortune
What profession would you not like to attempt? Snake wrangler
What's your favorite curse word? Damn Skippy
If heaven exists, what do you want God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
"We're sending out for pizza. What do you want on yours?"
I've been rereading the Stephanie Plum series by Evanovich recently (#15 is out on June 23!!), and it was Lula who inspired me to start this whole Fat Girl Blogging thing in the first place. If you are enjoying this series, you can thank Janet and Lula.
Why Lula? Because she is completely comfortable in her own skin. She doesn't think she's sexy--she knows she is. Lula is not one to hide in a corner, ashamed of being a big girl. Nope--she's the one on the dance floor, shaking her big booty and having a grand time.
We could all learn from her.
There are no pictures of her, but one fan did suggest, that if a Stephanie Plum movie is ever made, Mo'Nique should play the part of Lula. I couldn't agree more. This picture is exactly how I envision Lula in my mind.

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