Thursday, May 07, 2009

Diary of a Fat Girl: Part...Oh Hell, Who Can Remember?

It's been a while since I've done an update. I'm in a weight-loss holding pattern this week, due to some bad decisions, food-wise. But I'm not gaining, so that's good!

Also good--make that GREAT--is that shopping for clothes is fun again. I had to stop at Target today, and I looked in the Misses section. I bought a pair of Bermuda shorts and a couple of polos--and they all fit! Life is good when you're not buying in the Women's department. And less expensive.

Tonight I'm wearing a darling pair of Snoopy pajamas that I bought when living in England. They didn't fit for a while, but I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them. Now, they fit again.

My arms are getting more defined. Every few days, I discover a new muscle that wasn't showing itself previously.

My new trainer, C., is awesome. She likes to use a more cardio-based workout than B. did, combining cardio and strength training to make me really work. I always leave feeling wiped out in a good way. I usually crash for an hour or so when I get home, but then I get a second wind, and I find myself vacuuming or some such thing.

I'm still under 200 pounds, and I couldn't be prouder.


Miz Minka said...

That is just awesome. Yay YOU!!!

Meg said...

Thanks! It feels sooo good to see my body get in shape. It's what keeps me going on the days when I just don't feel like it.