For starters, I didn't pig out yesterday while sitting on the couch in my Snuggie. I ate very well for someone who was bored out of her gourd. And I've eaten pretty well today, too.
I had my normal breakfast of Raisn Bran, fat-free milk, and hot tea. Then I was out the door and on my way to work--sans lunch.
Oh no!
The only options that are close enough to my school to get to during my prep time are fast food places, and I'm so not going there. I hemmed and hawed and decided to try to get by on my morning snack: one Luna bar.
But as luck would have it, I found a second Luna bar in my work bag. It's not vegetables, but it's better than fast food...and even more luck was coming my way. There were two representatives from some financial company in the teachers' lounge, offering up retirement advice, chocolate chip cookies, and a veggie-and-dip platter.
So lunch today was a Luna bar, carrots, celery, broccoli, and ONE (and ONLY ONE) cookie. Go me! I reisted temptation.
Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty good. Even better, my favorite jeans keep falling down from my waist to my hips. I joked to a colleague today that I expect pretty soon I'll be walking around like some of the 8th grade boys, holding on to the button of my jeans, looking like I'm grabbing my crotch.
Or, maybe I'll just buy new jeans before that happens.
In any case:

Yep. I rock. :P
You go girl! Good work Meg! I can really, really see a difference in you. Yay on loooooose jeans!
Hugs from M.
Wow! That's awesome!! I can't believe you ever fit those jeans. It's the Incredible Shrinking Meg looking like she's really enjoying her new lightness of being!
Wow! that's awesome!
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