Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Gripe Before Bedtime

Last night, I posted the following cute little status update on my Facebook page:

Megan just took a long, relaxing shower. With her kitten. He's a purrvert.

Most of my friends understood this means my kitten tried to get into the shower, got his bottom and tail wet, and thought it was funny. One friend jokingly commented, "I think you need to get out more."

Why do people say this?

It's not funny. It's not witty. It's a knee-jerk response when you don't know how to reply to something. So here's a thought: DON'T REPLY!

Tonight, I noticed that this gal (she's someone I knew quite well for a time in college), posted this update:

Witty Conversationalist* used the last bag of breast milk tonight. So sad...

*Name changed to protect the...innocent?

Um...thanks for sharing? Ew? Something I didn't need to know?

Facebook is fun, and definitely addictive. Where else can you keep in touch with old friends, play Scrabble, and tell the world all about your life? But sometimes, it's possible to tell too much, don't you think?

And sometimes, it's better to just keep your mouth shut.


Miz Minka said...

I thought the comment you're referring to was rather stupid, myself. She should have kept her mouth shut.

And @ the not so Witty Conversationalist: Definitely TMI, ewww. :(

Meg said...

They were the same person!

Cara Davis said...

Um. Ew? She's whining about breast milk and YOU'RE the one that needs to get out more? Ugh.