For starters, I weighed myself again today and was 1.2 pounds lighter than yesterday. I know, I know, it must be water weight, but STILL!!!
The weather around here is nutso--rain? Sun? Clouds? I wore my sunglasses while driving to work this morning because the sun would peek out from behind clouds, then hide again, then peek get the picture.
But it sure was pretty! This was taken outside of my classroom, standing on the half-dry, half puddle-filled playground.

A colleague jokingly posted on her Facebook page that she should wear pink to work to protest all the pink slips that are going out. I decided she had a good idea, and wore my adorable pink-and-cream-stripes scarf that has pockets.

I am sore as all get-out today. I mentioned it to some kids after school, after asking them to pick something up from the floor for me. One, who is often a problem, walked up to me and karate-chopped me on my thigh.
Even though he was trying to be funny, I was livid. I think I said something along the lines of, "You. Don't. Touch. Me. EVER."
Not only was it hideously inappropriate--I would get in all kinds of trouble if the roles had been reversed--it also HURT. I'm sore, I hardly need someone karate-chopping my tired, sore muscles!
Needless to say, the associate principal is getting the citation first thing tomorrow morning.
Even though I was hideously sore, I still went to the gym to put in 35 minutes on the cross-trainer. Go me! B., my sadist, muscle-bound trainer, wasn't there for me to get kudos, but I have another appointment tomorrow. P.S. He's not that bad--he's actually very knowledgeable and helpful. Plus, he doesn't let me quit. Hence the Mutiny on the Thighs.
I came home and had a hot shower, then a yummy dinner of scrambled eggs (with cheese and green pepper), a whole wheat mini-bagel with spinach and artichoke cream cheese, and some green beans. Dessert is Ibuprofen.
Tomorrow I'm going to raise some hell at an important school board meeting before going back to the gym for more torture--er, working out.
Tonight, however, I have Grey's Anatomy, America's Best Dance Crew, and my new Snuggie. Awesome.
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