We've been quite busy
We've been troupers.
Daddy played Santa
With help from my Mama
While I stayed at home
In fleecy pajamas.
To an old friend's house
Santa Claus ran.
Because it is raining,
He traveled by minivan.
The Kindergatos are showing
Less attitude
And there's a shiny new collar
And tag for the Little Dude.
There are cookies galore
Of sugar and ginger.
Piled on plates,
Each one is a winner.
There's presents and cookies
The candles are lit
Lemon Drops mixed--
We're relaxing a bit!
The kitties in Sweet Spots
Are happily napping
And I've got a couple
Of presents needing wrapping.
But for the moment I'm sitting
And re-reading Twilight
So Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night!
We're about to have tamales (it's a staple for Mr. Greenthumb on Christmas Eve), and then it's off to church for the 10:30 service; choir call is at 9:45pm. :P
Merry Christmas, Meg! :)
Oooh, Tamales. We had Hamburger Helper (Taco mix) and salad. Tomorrow we'll have a roast, potatoes au gratin, and ambrosia salad.
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