Monday, December 15, 2008

In One Hour...

I'm going back to the hospital and bringing my Millie-girl home!!!

Since this morning's update, I spoke to the vet, and he encouraged me to come see her this afternoon. I went straight from work, arriving at about 3:00. The technician let me in to see Millie, and Millie, when she saw me, started meowing like crazy. The tech was amazed.

"I haven't heard one word from her all day!!"

Another technician said the same thing. Apparently, she's been quiet and stoic. No whining, hissing, growling, biting, scratching or anything. Just cooperation and sweetness. But when she saw her mommy, her frantic feelings came tumbling out. She was so happy to see me.

Needless to say, the feeling was mutual.

She had a little bit of an IV bag left to take, so the vet told me to come back around 6:00. I left at about 3:30 to come home and load up Harley and take him to a different vet's office (they're just down the street from me--would have taken Millie there but they're closed on weekends) for his check-up.

The vitals: He weighs an even five pounds--but he certainly doesn't look it. I was thinking he'd weigh about 3 pounds. He's a skinny little dude, but I guess there's some muscle in there. He got a couple of needed vaccinations that he was too young for before I adopted him, and he goes back in three weeks for a booster shot for the feline leukemia vaccination. He was a good little boy, though he did lightly bite the doctor's finger at the first shot. He got his claws trimmed so I could see how it's done, and was, of course, delighted to arrive back home. He's napping in the Sweet Spot.

Millie is still not 100%. She threw up once today, but she's also used the litter box (no poo, as she's had no food for a few days) and shown some improvement. The vet said that most of the time, cats improve greatly when they go home. It's like people--who wants to be in the hospital? Anyone would much rather recover at home. He's going to prescribe an antibiotic and some special food. If everyone could say one more little prayer, and keep those paws crossed, I'd really appreciate it. I hope that by this weekend, I'm curled up on Mom and Dad's couch, with a healthy Millie lounging in the Sweet Spot and Harley entertaining us all...and, of course, Bella and Duchess snuggling in their bed together. Three humans, four cats. We are officially outnumbered.

I'm feeling very good that I get to bring Millie home, but still cautious because I know she needs to recover some more. I'm confident, though, that being in familiar surroundings (and far more comfortable than a cage in a strange place, surrounded by strange animals and people) is going to do a lot for her recovery. I'm going to make sure her litter box is clean (Harley sometimes uses it instead of his own) and make sure her bed is ready for her with a warm blanket.


Miz Minka said...

Prayers being said, fingers and paws crossed! I'm sure Millie will be sooo glad to come home, and it'll do her a world of good.

BTW: Sorry, but I couldn't publish your last comment on my blog, because in your ra-ra-rah-excitement you accidentally used my real name. ;) I appreciate the cheering on, though!

Miz Minka said...

OK, I just "published" your comment -- copied and pasted it, changed the name to my Blogger moniker, and "signed" it as you. Hope that's OK. I really appreciated the comment and wanted it published! :D

Meg said...

Oh, goodness! Sorry 'bout that! Blame the stress! Glad you liked it, though.