Monday, December 15, 2008

Hot Chocolate and Hoovers

Two answers to stress. A cup of hot chocolate, and a quick run of the vaccuum cleaner all over the apartment. I've also run a load of laundry, organized my purse, and scooped out both litter boxes. Oh, and I took out the trash.

The plan is to be in bed by 8:30 with a book. How well I'll sleep remains to be seen. Hopefully Millie will be able to make herself comfortable (she's been on the bed, in my closet, on top of the kitchen cabinets and had a rest on the hard drive--a favorite warm spot. She's currently under the bed). She sniffed at her food but didn't eat. I'll leave it out for her.

She's shown some spunk--hissing at Harley and even swatting him--and some affection. I haven't been able to get her to purr yet, but she did gently butt my hand with her head a few times. She's been a little "talkative," meowing softly as I pet her.

The guy working the desk at the vet's office tonight is the same one who saw me weeping on Saturday morning. He happens to live in my apartment complex. He thought it was "really cute" how Millie reacted when she saw me this afternoon. "She knew her mom was here!"

I'm hoping that the little shows of spunk and affection are good signs. I hope that she has a comfortable night. I hope her appetite picks up, her stomach holds it down, and the antibiotics do their job. I hope that by this weekend, she's more herself.

I hope.

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