The first thing Mom did was get the pumpkin pie in the oven.
We did a lot of food prep early, so that later it would just be a matter of getting everything cooked on time.
Mom has a lot of fall decorations out. Pretty soon she'll replace it all with Christmas stuff.
Because there are only three of us, Mom bought a small turkey.
Once the pie was out of the oven, we were ready for a little break. I had a nice nap. When I woke up, Millie was curled up by my feet.
Finally, at about 4:30, dinner was ready. We didn't do anything fancy this year, deciding to just eat off of trays in the living room. We set the food out buffet-style and served ourselves.
Everything was delicious. We had turkey, mom's stuffing made from scratch, mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce (made by yours truly), yams with melted marshmallows, green beans with slivered almonds, and rolls.
After dinner, we made short work of the cleanup process, thanks to the fact that Mom and I kept up with it all day. In a little while, we'll have pie. Tomorrow I think we might drive to San Francisco--a sort of Black Friday tradition for us. Who needs malls? Not me.
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. As of tomorrow, I'm officially in the Christmas spirit.
Judging by your "jammies", you're already halfway there -- in the Christmas spirit, that is. ;) Cheers!
Yeah--those are my elf jammies. I've also got blue ones!
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