There is nothing better than a quiet Friday night at home (unlike others in my age group, I'm not a Friday Night = Par-tay! kind of gal. I'm much too tired from a week of teaching, and prefer to do any and all partying on Saturday night instead). I've spent the last few hours wrapped up in an afghan (made with love by Mom!), munching on popcorn and enjoying the companionship of a warm putty tat while reading about vampires, werewolves, and the Puget Sound.
Eventually, though, a gal does need the loo, and while I was up from my nest on the sofa, I thought I'd upload a few pictures I took this week of Fall in Meg's Flat. It's not as spectacular as Christmas will be--what with an entire tree full of Snoopy ornaments--but it's pretty and festive in its own way:

Of course, fall wouldn't be fall without those crisp days and cold evenings. With the triple-digit days of summer behind me for the next few months, it is time for my most favorite form of sustenance on the planet:

Homemade potato-leek soup. I christened my new hand blender (purchased in August with 30th birthday money from Mom and Dad) to puree the potatoes and leek. I like my potato soup to be thick and creamy, with minimal chunks. I use instant mashed potatoes to thicken it after blending. I've got my recipe just as I like it, so it turned out very yummy.
Next week, French Onion soup!
How I love this time of year!
Love the "tea table"!
I'm also a huge fan of my handheld blender. It's great for pureeing, making shakes and fruit smoothies, chopping nuts or herbs (with a special attachment), and it's so much easier to clean than the standard counter-top blender.
Say, I heard we might get 80 degrees this weekend... <:( I can't wait for real soup weather to get here.
Enjoy your day at the cooler coast tomorrow!
Eighty degrees?! Criminal!
I love my little tea table, too. I bought the table at IKEA this summer, so that's a new thing in my apartment. I just wanted an excuse to display a teapot and teacup outside of my hutch!
How do you like your electric teapot warmer?? I have a brass thingy that holds a tealight (I'm old fashioned that way), and I'll even use a tea cosy...(super dork)
That's actually a candle warmer for the candles whose wicks have burned down too far.
I do, however, have an electric teapot, which I love. So much faster than boiling water on the stove!
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