Barbaro was euthanized today, after an eight-month battle that left his fans (like Mom and I) with high hopes. Even after a setback this weekend, I didn't really think it would come to this. He was such a fighter.
Already, writers all over the country are asking if it was worth it to spend so much money on one horse with such a devestating injury. I have to wonder where their hearts are. Would they give up on a child diagnosed with serious lukemia? Would they give up on an otherwise-healthy adult with a serious illness? Barbaro's owners and veterinarians always knew that if the pain got to be too much for Barbaro, they would make the most difficult decision. It came to that today, sadly. But until today there has always been hope for him...and hope is worth every penny.
Now Barbaro is gone, but he won't be forgotten. His legacy will not live on in colts because he did not live to sire any. His full brothers may never touch the magic he had--but they give us something to be excited about, as does his incredible Kentucky Derby run.

Rest in peace, Barbaro. We'll miss you.

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