The original plan was to find the second "Anne of Green Gables" movie (having just finished watching the first) but the store did not have it. I really am going to have to buy it eventually...Anyway, I almost decided to leave, but instead I went to the "Classics" section to have a look.
I ended up renting "Sabrina" and "The Big Sleep," because, after my recent initiation into watching Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn movies, I want to see more.
I made a pot of tea and sat down to watch "Sabrina."

I loved it! What a charming, lovely movie. Audrey Hepburn is adorable, and Bogey is absolutely divine, as well.

I don't know why I haven't seen more of the classics--for a long time, I was stupidly turned off by the black-and-white picture or the lack of decent effects. But I have grown up, and I can't tell you how lovely it is to watch a movie that revolves around plot, wit, and a refreshing lack of explosions, nudity and gratuitous sex scenes.
So yes, I think I'm in love...with Bogey, Hepburn and classic movies. I'd write more but I really need to fix a salad for dinner and settle in with Bogey and Bacall in "The Big Sleep."

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