What's That Title Mean?
Right. I was born at 8:00 in the morning (Central time) on August 12, 1978. That is my birthday, according to my birth certificate (and the woman who would know--my mother).
At 10 years of age, I was required to get my first military ID card to get in and out of certain parts of the nearby base. Even though Dad had retired a couple of years before I hit 10, we still shopped at the Base Exchange and Commissary every month. I was bursting with 10-year-old pride to get my first ID card. It seemed like a great rite-of-passage, especially as my brother had been in possession of his own card for 7 years by then.
Dad took me to the ID place on base and filled out the necessary forms. To this day I still don't know if it was a brain fart or his idea of a cute joke, but he listed my birthday as August 13!! I had to wait four years, until it was time to renew my card, to change this.
Even now, 18 years later, Dad still likes to say that August 13 is my actual birthday.
Yay! Pictures!
I tried to upload these few pictures to my Picturetrail account but it doesn't work so well with dial-up (gah!). I've gotten pretty spoiled with Mom and Dad's DSL. Anyway, I'm still at their place so I uploaded some recent pictures to share with you all.
Here's my living room, with the furniture that finally arrived on Thursday:

I'm going to turn the rug to be angled with the furniture...eventually.

The view to the telly (I was watching "Anne of Green Gables" at the time):

Millie approves:

I really like it--it looks great in my place and is quite comfortable, too. So far I've mostly used the couch for lounging, but the chair is great, too.
The Headlines I've Missed!
With all the craziness of moving, etc. I've been lax about reading the headlines on the World Wide Weird section of the Australian online. Today alone I read of a klepto lobster, a drunken goat abduction, a penguin rescue on a Texas highway, and a very virile 88-year old man.
And I'm holding out big-time hope on the "anti-stupidity pill" that a scientist is working on. I think we all know people who could benefit.
What a crazy, wonderful world we live in!
A Most Satisfactory Birthday
Last night I met Heather and her boyfriend Art at Streets of London pub in Sacramento. We had a lovely time eating pub food and chatting about anything and everything. As we left, our friend Pam was just arriving (we'd been unsure if she'd be able to make it), so the four of us set off for Heather and Art's place to have cake and ice cream and watch "Sixteen Candles" (Classic 80s movies was one topic at dinner).
It was lovely to see some of my friends. I'm sorry we couldn't have a bigger group but there were a few high school reunions going on this weekend.
Mom and Dad gave me a few very-much-needed kitchen items (some towels and a lovely trivet that matches my napkin holder, etc.) Mom took me shopping at Old Navy and Target. At Old Navy I got a few cute tops that I will be able to wear to work this fall. At Target she bought me some gorgeous blue canisters to match the other kitchen stuff (she wasn't sure I'd want them when she bought the other stuff) and some food storage containers.
Today we met some long-time family friends, Don and Norine at Hop Sing in Folsom. They are the BEST Chinese restaurant. In all our travels over the last couple of years, Mom, Dad and I have not been able to find Chinese food we love as much as Hop Sing's. It'd been over two years since I'd been there--and it was every bit as good as I remembered.
The Purring Furries
Millie did alright on the drive to Lincoln yesterday. She mostly slept or sat quietly, meowing only when the sun got in her face or the music stopped suddenly (like Mama, like kitty?).
The Kindergatos didn't seem phased at all, and Duchess, after sniffing Millie's bottom, promptly pushed the bathroom door open while I was taking care of business. Ahh, it's good to be home. : P
She also slept on my bed all night, curled up next to my hip. She's been warming up to Mom and Dad since I've moved out, but still really seems to love me. Millie gets a little jealous, but when we're in our apartment, she knows she's my Number One.
The good news is they're all very used to each other, and Millie is comfortable in this house and with my parents. Visiting is a breeze.
Antioch Pictures
I'm thinking about starting a second blog--about California. But for now, my pics go up here in the blog. I'm too lazy to make a video tonight, so I uploaded some recent pics to my Picturetrail account. Here's a short lesson on Antioch and the Sacramento River Delta.
The Delta (pretty impressive, eh?):

On this picture you can see Antioch (click on the link for the Delta above, then on the picture itself, for a larger version).
So here's the Sacramento River, as seen from Antioch:

Looking West:

Looking East (towards the massive Antioch Bridge):

Some pretty pictures:

Looking towards Historic Downtown Antioch:

The old theater in the downtown area:

Incidentally, a search of Wikipedia yielded some interesting facts about my new school. And one more little bit of cool info...I can see Mount Diablo from just about anywhere in Antioch. Remember my recent slideshow for Daryl? The little mountain in those pics is Mount Diablo. Which, apparently, is a pretty cool little feature. Note to self: explore one of these days.
What a Weekend!
It's been a great weekend, but I have to drive back to Antioch tomorrow. I've got stuff to do in the apartment and a new job to get ready for. It's going to be a busy, busy year.
Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes my way!
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