But a Chinese artist does have the patience, and the result is pretty darned cool.
In other news...
Has anyone else noticed the depressing headlines today? Riots in Belarus, riots in Paris. An Afghan man who might possibly be sentenced to death because he converted to Christianity. Global warming melting Greenland faster than we thought. Bird flu.
Good grief! It's enough to give me indigestion. Therefore, from here on out, only cheerful headlines in this blog update.
Take a Bow, Frodo
The world is a stage, they say...and apparently, the 12-hour extended version of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings is not enough for some people. I personally don't think you can top Sir Ian McKellan as Gandolph or Viggo (oh-my-goodness-what-a-lust-worthy-man) Mortensen as Aragorn. Hell, you'd even be hard-pressed to cast a Frodo with huge, beautiful baby blues like Elijah Wood.
But for the LOTR aficionados out there, there is going to be a stage version.
More power to 'em. I love the theatre but in this case, I think I'll save my money, stay at home and watch the DVDs in my pajamas.
The Resemblance Really is Striking
I don't pay much attention to "American Idol," but all this coverage about some kid with the nickname Chicken Little made me laugh. I was perusing Google's entertainment news page when I saw a picture of him...and by God, this kid really does look a bit like Chicken Little!

Ten bucks says he has nooooo problem finding a prom date from now on.
I've Got a Lo-ve-ly Bunch of Coconuts
This is fan-tas-tic! The World's Largest Coconut Orchestra...where do I sign up?!
Oh, the Relief
Kathy will be thrilled! Gary Oldman is definitely coming back for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Could anyone else do it? I think not.
I Would Pay to See This
I mean I'd pay a lot.
Oh, who am I kidding...I'd pay money to watch Robbie Williams eat his breakfast, or read a book, or pick his nose hairs--if he has nose hairs...
But yeah, I'd definitely be happy to pay to watch him run around in shorts. For a charitable cause? All the better. Bring it on.
Google News Alert: Snoopy
You know I'm just killing time for the hell of it when I put "Snoopy" in the Google News search. But I did find this very nice article about "Snoopy's Legal Guardian" Jeannie Schulz, widow of Charles "Sparky" Schulz, and her involvement with the museum built near their Santa Rosa home.
FYI--it's a lovely museum. I went to the opening with Summer, and I was so moved by it I had tears in my eyes--especially at seeing Schulz's re-created studio. I then walked over to the Snoopy Gallery and Gift Shop and spent $250.
Right...that's all I can find tonight, and I need to be thinking about my shower and bedtime. I have an early start tomorrow.
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