I've been enjoying getting to know the area, shopping, seeing the wildlife and relaxing. Oh, and slowly unpacking.
I figured the best thing would be to get my room organized before attempting to unpack, so my suitcases and their contents are strewn all over the guest room. If Mom and Dad have friends stop by, it's Sofa City, Sweetheart. Just kidding--I'd move my crap.
Basically, each morning I walk downstairs to the guestroom for clean underwear and an outfit for the day.
I had my Target trip on Saturday, and let me tell you, it was a near-religious experience. Angels were singing, the sun was shining. It was a beautiful experience.
Mom and Dad have been showing me around the area. We hit Port Hadlock (nearest town) and Port Townsend, as well as Silverdale--a bit further away but home of the mall and Target. Mom and I hit the mall yesterday, and I had a Mervyn's and J.C. Penney's run.
Today we went to a beach Mom and Dad discovered. Mom likes to beachcomb and make picture frames decorated with shells and sea glass. We spent about 45 minutes walking the beach, picking up various shells and staring at dead crabs. There were shells of a couple of big ones, but also a lot of teeny, tiny baby crabs. I guess they get stuck up there when the tide goes out.
I found a perfect, tiny sand dollar. It's only about a centimeter across, and not a chip in it. Mom said she has never found one at this beach, so I thought that was rather a cool find.
There's all kinds of wildlife around here. We have squirrels in the back yard--they're so cute! I love watching them eat. So does Millie, but for different reasons. We saw a couple deer on the roadside today, and a coyote yesterday. Apparently there are mountain lions in the area--I won't be walking the trails.
It is really lovely here, and I'm learning my way around. Today is the first day I drove, and then it was only the 2-minute drive to the little market in Port Ludlow (I'm taking it slow...next time I go out, I'll have a cell phone on me!). The "town" of Port Ludlow is really just one teensy little shopping center with a market (convenience store), Post Office, pizza place, recycling center, Chevron, bank, and a couple of little cutesy shops. For groceries, clothing, etc., we go to Port Hadlock, Port Townsend, or Silverdale. Silverdale is across the mile-and-a-half long Hood Canal floating bridge.
Here's a map, from Seattle to Port Ludlow:

Anyway, that's all, news-wise. I'm mostly trying to get settled in, and catching up with my DVD collection.
If I don't update tomorrow, it will be a few days before I do so again. We are driving to Idaho (934 miles!!!) on Thursday, and spending the night there, so we can see Aaron and Susanne's house. On Friday, we're heading to Utah to see my Grandma, who is quite ill. We'll be spending three nights in Salt Lake City, then heading back to WA via Idaho. We'll arrive home sometime late Tuesday.
Busy week, then.
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