Seems like last week I was really struggling to find things to write about and now I have bunches of things to say. Brace yourself, this update is a long one.
But before I get to the headlines, I must say a belated
Happy Fourth of July!!!
I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday. I, of course, did not get the day off, but believe me, I was with you all in spirit, eating barbecue and watching fireworks. I sat in Kathy's living room last night drinking contraband tea. ; )

Being in England on such a huge holiday was bittersweet. On the one hand, I am living my dream and enjoying doing so, but on the other, I was missing home and family on a very important holiday.
And I was feeling, maybe, just a wee bit proud of my American-ness. We have a lot of pluck, we Americans.
Think about it...Two hundred twenty-nine years ago yesterday, a group of men signed the Declaration of Independence, effectively thumbing their noses at the most powerful monarch and country in the world. They then sent an out-numbered, ill-equipped and inexperienced army out against the most fearsome military force in the world and proceded to engage in a long, ruthless war.

Women fought, as well. They fed, clothed, nursed and supported their husbands, brothers, fathers, neighbors. They went without the comforts and lived with the bare minimum all in pursuit of liberty.
And they won! Imagine the determination, pluck and courage it took to beat the British army. And then to create a constitution and a democracy.
Sure, its not perfect, our democracy, but whatever your political views and leanings, I think we can all be proud of our country on days like Independence Day.
Right, now, in other Anglo-American relations, the headlines:
American Gal Pulls English Bloke
"To pull," is an English term similar to "picking up" at a bar in the States. Pulling is to meet someone, dance, flirt, exchange numbers, etc.
Saturday night, I pulled. I totally pulled.
His name is Brad...other details like age as yet unknown. I do know he is in construction, and therefore has some nice muscles going.
Anyway, I was out celebrating my friend's Hen Night, dressed in my Bridget Jones get-up, and he started dancing with me. We shouted a few things back and forth, danced, he bought me a drink, we exchanged numbers. He seemed really interested in calling me, so we'll see if the does. According to my friends, the British Male waiting period is two to three days. That gives him 'till tomorrow to call me.
American Teacher Survives Flexible Learning Day
Yesterday was our final Flexible Learning Day. You might remember my incoherent ramblings after the last one, when I had to make up Oompah Loompah songs all day. It was hell, I'm telling you, pure hell!!
When I found out a few weeks ago that I would be doing Chaucer Day with year 8 this time around, I told my faculty head in no uncertain terms, "I'm not making up Chaucer songs. I won't do it!"
Instead, I did Illuminated Letters, which turned out to be quite fun. Of course, some kids didn't take it seriously, but most did and we got some great designs out of them. I made my own, even! It's a large M with a piano keyboard, a sun (because I'm a sun-ruled Leo) and a hand hovering over the piano. I think it is quite nice--should be, it took three class periods to complete!
The kids seem to enjoy sitting and drawing, as it is much less intimidating than making up Oompah Loompah songs. I only had to give out two detentions--Freddy and Courtney didn't seem to understand that when I say, "Stop throwing pencils!!" I mean: Stop. Throwing. Pencils.
Other than that, it was a good day.
Rain Momentarily Dampens Fourth of July Spirits
It was pouring rain yesterday as I walked to school (hence the first sentence of this blog entry). It is strange weather for July, even for England. I walked to school in my waterproof jacket, clutching my wimpy little umbrella over me, still managing to get a bit soaked.
As I walked along Southminster Road towards the school, I was very aware that, as ever, I am only about 2 feet away from any vehicle passing me. Narrow sidewalk, narrow roads. On a clear day, when a bus drives by, I literally have to brace myself.
So try to imagine a bus driving by me on this narrow road, and hitting a large puddle.
And try to imagine the consternation of the people in the houses nearby hearing a very surprised, high-pitched, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuu----!!!"
Distraught American Reports Death of Digital Camera
You know, when the flash on my beloved 35mm Pentax died last fall, I figured, "Hell, it's six years old and it's been to Europe three times and everywhere else I've been."
But I've had my Vivitar digital for six months. And it's dead. I can't figure it out.
Derek, who is a computer expert, thinks perhaps it had a bad motherboard (chip?) in it from the beginning, because it's always been a bit quirky.
All I know is, I'm going to have to dish out money for a cheap 35mm or a bunch of one-time use cameras for the next month. *sigh* I think the cheap 35mm is my best bet, because I have a lot of events I'm going to (Sixth Form Ball, end-of-year Staff Party, Kathy's annual garden party, Donna's wedding reception) and a lot of people I want to remember when I'm in the States.
The death of a camera is no easy thing for me. Anyone who has spent more than five minutes in my company knows how I love taking pictures of everyone and everything.
New Seattle Adventure Commences in One Month
Yep, one month. On 5 August, I will board a Seattle-bound 747 and thus finish my Wild and Absolutely True Adventures in England--for now.
I've thought about the future of this blog, and wondered if I should keep it going when I'm back in the States. After all, I set it up to record my Wild and Absolutely True Adventures in England. I thought, perhaps, because I enjoy this blogging thing so much, I would start a new one to document what I've come to think of as the New Seattle Adventure. But I am rather fond of my little pink blog and I think I'll keep it. After all, life is just one continuing adventure, whether you're flying off to live in a new country or just going out to buy milk and a newspaper.
So, my friends, The Wild and Absolutely True Adventures of Meg will soldier on. I write this blog for many reasons, and one of the big ones is really, for myself.
All-American Mum Celebrates Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mom! I hope it was a great day, and I'm sorry I couldn't be with you to celebrate it. I'll be home for Christmas, though!
Dad likes to say that it wasn't until they were married that Mom learned that all the fireworks were not for her. I like to say that she came into the world with a bang.
New School Day Starts in England While the American West Coast Sleeps
In other words, I must use the ladies, chain myself to the photocopy machine, organize a few things and then get my day started. The inspectors are here today and tomorrow, so we all have to be on our best behaviour.
Again, hope you all had a lovely Fourth and that going back to work isn't too excrutiating.
1 comment:
Pulling is one of the all time great indoor sports.
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