Right, the day has come...I'm off in a couple of hours to catch my train to London, where I'll hop on the Stanstead express and meet Jo at Stanstaed to catch our 3:00 flight to Kerry.
For now, though, I'm "working." That means checking email, the NASCAR board (Lust-Worthy Junior had a disappointing weekend) and listening to Maroon Five as loudly as I can stand to.
Right, now on the important stuff--like all these lustworthy men...who are they?
Cute Lead Singer of the Soul Detectives
Right. I don't know his name but I do know he would have been more than happy to meet me after the show if I'd been able to stay that late.
Friday night I went to a pub in nearby Maldon with my friend Louisa and a few others, including Louisa's sister Alice and a gal named Lucy. Lucy and I thought that the lead singer of the band we were there to see was cute. We had Alice's boyfriend Doug go up to the stage at the end of the band's break to ask him if he was attached or single. Cute Lead Singer said single and Doug pointed out Lucy and I to him. Lucy at this point turns to me and says, "You are single, right?"
It turns out Doug is pointing ME out. And apparently Cute Lead Singer told him, "Have her come up after the show."
(Here's a pic I found on the band's website):
Unfortunately, I left at 11:30 and the show was going on 'til 1:00. I had to get up somewhat early on Saturday morning...I had a date, you see, with...
The Ever-Handsome Mr. Spacey
That makes it four times I've seen Kevin on stage since March 18. Twice in National Anthems, twice in the Philadelphia Story. Fantastic every time!
The man never ceases to amaze and delight. But before I went to the matinee performance, I hopped over to the Royal Operal house, also home to the Royal Ballet, to see if there were any performances coming up featuring one of their Principal Guest Artists...
Carlos Acosta

Carlos Acosta is a Cuban-born dancer. Kathy introduced me to the delight of watching him dance just a couple of months ago. There was a biography of him on BBC a few years ago and Kathy taped it. Let me tell ya, this man is gorgeous to watch.
Anyway, he is dancing in Covent Garden soon, and I have a ticket (very good seat) to see him. Woohoo!
With all these men to lust after...how am I supposed to get anything done???
Right. More updates when I'm back from Ireland. I promise to take loads of pictures and give all the details.
And I promise to at least try pure Irish Guiness. It's supposed to be better in Ireland.
1 comment:
Meg, I'm so jealous! Of all of it! ha ha
I hope you have a GREAT time in Ireland!
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